Upholstered Furniture Care

Caring for your Upholstered Furniture

  • Posted By: Jain, Deepak on 2014-10-21
Category: furniture care, living room furniture
Upholstered chairs and sofas can add beauty to a living room and dining room, but it is important to protect your investment by using the proper care. Avoid problems before they start by choosing the right fabric, placing your furniture correctly in the room and using good maintenance practices. If spots occur, be sure to use the correct methods for spot removal. Better fabrics from furniture manufacturers like Schnadig, Kincaid, etc will certainly perform much better over time.

Preventing Problems
You can prevent problems with upholstered furniture before they arise by taking your situation into account when selecting a fabric. Think about who will be sitting on your furniture, and choose accordingly. If you have young children and pets, or if your furniture is in a high traffic area, choose a fabric like leather, or synthetics like microfiber, for durability. Woven patterns generally hold up better than printed patterns, and high thread counts and tight weaves last longer. It also helps when you avoid light colors.

Protecting Upholstered Furniture
When you plan out the placement of your furniture within the room, take lighting into consideration. Direct sunlight can fade your upholstered fabric, especially if the fabric is delicate, like silk. The best idea is to use fade resistant fabrics if your room has lots of sunlight streaming in from the windows. Cooking fumes and smoke can also damage fabrics.If it is not possible to place furniture out of harms way, make sure to use proper ventilation. Upholstered furniture can absorb cooking odors, but you can mitigate the effects by having ample ventilation. Try to avoid spills, and consider applying a fabric protector by a professional or on your own. Selecting a protection plan when purchasing your furniture is always a good idea.

Good Maintenance
Extend the life of your upholstered sofas and chairs by turning loose cushions periodically so that wear and tear is evenly distributed. Fluff them up after cleaning to help the cushions keep their shape. You can also turn cushions over and move them around for even usage. Brush your furniture with a soft, bristled brush and vacuum periodically so dirt does not become embedded in the fibers.

Dealing with Spills
Spills happen, and it is best to follow the manufacturers directions before using a product on your upholstered furniture. You can spot clean a spill by blotting up the liquid immediately. Use a clean soft town, and gently blot the area. Do not rub. If a product is needed, use the mildest product to get the job done. Look for a code on the manufacturers label to tell you what kind of product to use, and test the product on an inconspicuous area. Apply the product with a soft brush using a circular motion, let it dry, and vacuum.

Professional Care
It may be a good idea to have your upholstered furniture professionally cleaned on a regular basis to keep it in top condition.